Final notes for the big event
IT’S HERE!! We’re SO EXCITED to see you Monday night!! We’ve been working hard on getting the event ready and we hope you will have a wonderful prom event at the Westin Hotel! Here are a few things to be aware of:
A professional photographer from Calnen Photography will be onsite from 7-9, probably located in the back of the ballroom. Stop by for a free photo of you, you and your friends, or you and your date. These will be uploaded to a link that we will share here on this website a day or two after the event. Please keep checking back until the link has been posted.
Dinner will be served and the Westin is aware of any special dietary requests that you wrote in your ticket forms. At 10:00 pm, we will serve pizza – we realize that there are some of you who are gluten sensitive – this pizza will have gluten so please be advised of this in advance. We are trying to arrange for a gluten-free snack but this is not yet confirmed.
We will be giving away over $500 worth of gift cards throughout the night to DHS graduates! You must be onsite to win – if your name is called and you have left, we will draw another name.
When you leave the event you will be given a Grad Swag Bag! Please don’t leave without asking for your bag.
When you arrive at the event, you will pass in any bags and coats to the coat check. We have four police officers who will provide security for this event all night. You may be searched if there is any concern by the officers. Searches will be done by one of the officers if required. Small purses may be kept with you during the event but they will be searched before being allowed into the event. Bags in the coat check may not be accessed during the event and will be returned to you as you depart.
Remember to bring a photo ID – we cannot allow access without this so please do not forget! This can be a driver’s license, school photo ID, etc.
This is a chemical / drug / alcohol free event. If there is any sign of intoxication when you arrive you will be turned away.
The event will take place on the mezzanine floor of the Westin Hotel. You may walk around this floor / level but you cannot leave the floor. If you leave for any reason we cannot allow re-entry. This is a rule of our event insurance company so we cannot override this.
Photos at the Public Gardens is not an organized event. Most people will show up at the Gardens around 3:00 but you are free to take your own family and friend photos while you are there. There will not be a professional photographer onsite, nor do we plan to try and organize a large group photo. Have fun with this – ask others to take your family photo and help take them for other families! Halifax West High School is having their prom the same night so there will be many families in the Gardens at the same time from the two schools.
You may arrive at the Westin any time between 5:00 – 6:00 to get checked in at the registration desk. The stairs to the mezzanine level are to the left of the front desk of the hotel (so in the front door, walk towards the desk, turn left, go upstairs or up the elevator to the mezzanine level). There is a pay parking lot behind the Westin.
The event agenda can be found by clicking on the drop-down menu under the heading "Prom" above in the navigation bar. Choose “Floor Plan” to see which streets your tables will be named after!
See you tomorrow night!
Your Volunteer Prom Committee