Our goal is the ensure that every student can attend their graduation prom. Some students may need help. They can ask Schools Plus (at DHS) for help and we will ensure that Schools Plus has the money to help with tickets as needed. Please help us fundraise to keep the price down for the prom tickets.
Our graduates have not had a normal high school experience due to covid - we can leave them with an event to remember!
Imagine you're a teenager but part of your three years in high school was at your kitchen table without friends allowed in the house due to covid. Imagine that in three years you've never had a school dance and have very rarely had any school events. We want prom to be special and we want to make sure that EVERY graduate has the opportunity to attend. To do this, we need to raise enough money to help keep the overall price down, and to ensure that there are some tickets available to those who cannot afford to go. All graduates need this celebration!
Not able to help out with fundraisers but want to help somehow? Please click here to donate to the Go Fund Me page - every dollar helps so even a small amount will go a long way. All funds will go directly into reducing the price for students and ensuring that every student has a ticket. Thank you for helping!
Neighbourhood Dance Success
A great crowd gathered at Brightwood Golf Club on Friday, June 10th, to share some laughs, dance all night and enjoy a few drinks with both old friends and new friends! This fundraiser, our last one, raised $1535. Thank you to Brightwood for hosting us, thank you to the donors who gave us the items for the silent auction, and thank you to everyone who came -you made it fun!
Car wash Success
Thank you so much to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish for their help by allowing us to host this event on their property and use their water! Thank you to the students and parents who washed, promoted and handled the sales, and to every dirty car that showed up to get clean! This event, held on June 4th, was well attended and we raised $833.80.

Epicure Success
The Epicure meal kit solution fundraiser ended on May 29th and added $430 to the fundraising account! Thank you to everyone who purchased a kit! For every $25 kit the DHS prom committee raised $10.
Bake Sale Success
This event was a huge success and $1020 was raised! Thank you so much to everyone who baked and/or shopped and thank you to the girls who did the selling!